
My first recollection of being knocked over by a story was “The Eagle Who Lived as a Chicken.” Something about that story touched me in a way no other story had to ever touched me before, it lifted a veil I knew was there and it started a conscious journey to search deeper into the fundamental questions we all have, even as children, about
ourselves and about life.

That journey continues to this day. The stories from Zen, Christianity, Sufism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Celtics, Native American, South American, and many many more, fables new and old, are a constant reminder of the well from which all humanity can all drink. Hopefully we all drink together.


Check out what people are saying about our stories below!

“As a mother, I’m doing my best to connect my kids with nature and the earth’s universal wisdom, these books are a helpful tool in that mission.”

- Arizona Muse, Mother, Fashion Model, Founder of the charity Dirt

Panda is a masterful storyteller who has produced a book for all
ages. These are stories to be read with gusto around a log fire on a chilly night in New Zealand or enjoyed around the flickering embers of a campfire in the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya with the sound of wild lions echoing through the darkness. Like all good stories these are multi-layered, illuminating the universal truths that transcend all cultures with their ancient wisdoms. Read them to your children, let your children read them to you,
share them widely!

- Jonathan and Angela Scott, The Big Cat People, Nairobi, Kenya

The idea that these stories that are universal and survive our prodding, questioning, critical examination, etc., continue to hold truth after millennia, are in fact similar to scientific laws we find that we subject with the same critical thinking, and hold true which go on to form the basis for much of our lives. They are things we can return back to, things that we can build upon. Things that are there and exist, whether we know it or not.

- Jem Stansfield, TV presenter with BBC, ITV, Scientist, Inventor

Bear Zen Reading List

Here is a list of books we recommend that you check out, click on the images to buy the books!